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2021-10-07 16:23:15
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Small Cabin from “Wood and Mountain” and “If I were a carpenter” brand located in a quiet place in Mae Rim district, Chiang Mai welcomes travelers in to the middle of nowhere atmosphere.

▼木屋与周边环境,the cabin and surrounding environment © Rungkit charoenwat

▼面向山景一侧的立面,opening side that faces the mountain © Rungkit charoenwat


The owner and design team agreed that the language of building supposed to be a wooden building. because this material directly relate with the owner as a furniture maker and materials source in Chiang Mai that allows us to find used wood to design in the project.

▼木屋外观近景,closer look of the project © Rungkit charoenwat

▼山景立面近景,closer look of the mountain view side facade © Rungkit charoenwat


Form of the building was designed by simply order of steel structure reference to the wooden house wall system commonly seen in the northern in Thailand. Architecture language influence from vernacular architecture, the project takes shape as a simple wooden structure opening up to the surrounding vegetation. Cladding exterior wall panel with used wood from various sources in Chiang Mai.

▼入口立面,entrance facade © Rungkit charoenwat

▼入口廊道,entrance bridge © Rungkit charoenwat

▼入口立面与屋檐细部,details of the entrance facade and the eave © Sher Maker


In the cabin consists of upper bedroom, bathrooms, living room, pantry and terrace. The exterior of the building cladding with 3 sides wooden wall for privacy, leaving opening one side only in the balcony that faces the Mountain View into the land.

▼客厅外侧的露台,terrace outside the living room © Rungkit charoenwat

▼钢结构与采用了烧杉工艺的木材,Steel structure and Shou-Sugi-Ban wood © Rungkit charoenwat


Sorting and sanding wooden surface and reusing it again by burning each plank and assembled it to the new wall, the life circle of the material is re-used and is considered to bringing out the specific meaning of materials and processes that make it stand out, In addition that burning wooden surface method to preserving the wood which is the knowledge from techniques shou-sugi-ban of the Japanese, it is also a blend of old wood that comes from a variety of sources to bring it merge together. Is the method to adapt to the physical characteristics of local Thai wood, which is more resistant to weather conditions than wood that must be Specified and imported from abroad.

▼双层室内空间总概览,overall of the cabin’s two floors © Rungkit charoenwat

▼面向山景的客厅,living room with the view of mountain © Rungkit charoenwat


▼大面积的玻璃幕墙提供了充足的自然采光与极佳的景观视野,The large glass curtain wall provides ample natural lighting and excellent views of the landscape © Rungkit charoenwat


▼厨房、餐桌位于楼梯之下,The kitchen and dining table are located under the stairs © Rungkit charoenwat


▼厨房与餐桌细部,details of the kitchen and the dining table © Rungkit charoenwat


▼二层卧室,bedroom on the upper floor © Rungkit charoenwat

▼浴室入口与家具细部,entrance of the bathroom and detail of furniture © Rungkit charoenwat


Sher Maker事务所规模虽小,但是在对建筑语言与研究方法的追求上却精益求精。设计的核心旨在采用能够由当地施工方完成的标准化建造系统,但是在建筑的表达上却能彰显出手工艺的价值。因此,Sher Maker的建筑师们收集了大量的材料信息与样品,并在工作室中设立了一个模拟烧杉与墙体组装的试验区。对他们来说,烧杉的过程不仅仅是探求材料美学,同时也是理解材料,并亲自动手实现材料的再利用价值的过程。此外,木材表面经过烧杉处理后留下的瑕疵也被保留了下来,以彰显出建筑中人类手工艺的价值,为项目的建筑表达增添了一丝人文主义的色彩。

We are a small studio with strong intentions to work on method of architecture through the building language that we really intended. With the intention of designing the part of the building so that the builder in local area can use the normal construction system but the expression part of the architecture is expressed by human hands. Using the studio’s workshop area as an experimental area for mock-up work and wall mock-up to collect samples and material information. So using wood burners for us is not just about seeking and bringing that kind of aesthetic without context of the material significant but it’s about understanding the material and making it by our self. As we intend to leave the imperfections in each shade of burning wood plank to symbolize this building is the work of architecture by human hands (Human expression).

▼夜景,night view © Rungkit charoenwat

▼露台夜景,night view of the terrace © Rungkit charoenwat

▼入口立面夜景,night view of the entrance facade © Rungkit charoenwat

▼平面图,plans © Sher Maker

▼立面图,elevation © Sher Maker

▼剖面图,section © Sher Maker

Project name: Wood and Mountain
Company name: Sher Maker
Website: www.shermaker.com
E-mail: shermakers@gmail.com
Project location: Mae Rim,Chiangmai, Thailand
Building Type: Cabin
Completion Year : 2021
Area:100 sq.m.
Lead Architect: Patcharada Inplang, Thongchai Chansamak, Nat Tangchonlatip
Burning&Fabricator: Akapan Kanyen, Thanapong Kiwtodsingkorn, Nat Tangchonlatip, Sirapapra Thinnang
Structure Engineer:Pilawan Piriyapokhai
Builder Team: Sher Maker builder team, Attipol Bamrungyai
Documentary Photo: Puwadech Tiamsak
Photo credits: Rungkit charoenwat
Materialization: Used wood burn in surface / Mae rim ceramic tile


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