HARMAY武康路 “话梅坊”

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2021-10-16 17:01:09
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  In our ongoing collaboration with HARMAY, we have taken our community-centric design to the street with this new store typology. This building is a love letter to the community that surrounds it. With the historic fang as inspiration, old Shanghai neighborhoods, and alleyways, this neighborhood cornerstone re-interprets the spirit and openness of the Shanghai alley life.

  ▼项目概览,General view© Dirk Weiblen


  It is an eclectic yet authentic community in an area where locals have lived for decades and now recently mix with a vibrant young tourist crowd. By opening up the whole ground floor to the public, this corner building becomes a place the community can call their own, one that fits and welcomes all. A place where everyone can come together, a place where the old and new Shanghai meet, creating something unique, activating its new connections.

  ▼场地平面图&设计示意,Location &Concept Diagram© AIMArchitecture


  With a sustainable look on re-use, this building is getting its second or third life. A new life that celebrates its past—honoring the old stories and telling a new one. These stories are sometimes imperfect and surprising but never dull, reflecting the community and energy surrounding it, layered and complex, new and old, local and visitors, with its messy encounters and beautiful moments.


  The whole ground floor is open up to the public© Dirk Weiblen

公共广场 | Public plaza


  Facing the street and open to the neighborhood, this new public plaza enables a small, diverse program and leaves space for street vendors who will facilitate this community vibe. A grand central staircase touches down, opening views towards the upper floors where the main retail space resides.

  ▼公共广场,Public plaza© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼中央阶梯,Thegrand central staircase© Dirk Weiblen

新生活,新规则 | New life, new rules



  ▼轴测图,Axo© AIMArchitecture

  The old building did not adhere to local fire codes, forcing us to connect the four floors with a central closed staircase. The staircase volume is designed to enable people to walk on top of the volume, too, Creating a scissor movement and surprising spatial experiences and encounters throughout the building.

  This neutral stainless-steel volume takes you on a journey through the building connecting the different layers, From street to interior, public to private, and existing to new—a true neighborhood store.

  ▼首层架空空间,The elevated space© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼从楼梯望向街道,View towards the street from the staircase© 顾博文

  ▼中性的不锈钢楼梯贯穿空间© Dirk Weiblen

  Theneutral stainless-steel volume runs through the whole space

层次 | Layering


  Entering the second floor you step into a world that celebrates the unspoken boundaries between private and public space. A mix of floor finishes indicates a floorplan of the typical lane house. Different living areas spill out into the outdoor alley, private bedrooms vs. public kitchens, with the corner candy store cashier keeping an eye on it all.

  ▼二层空间,The second floor© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼“街角糖果店”,Thecandy store in the corner© Dirk Weiblen


  This new layer lives within the original shell of the building. From the scars of the building, new ideas grow. Wooden display cases make new uses in the depth of the former window wall openings—not designing it for beauty but for what is required—this way exploring and creating the complexity and excitement of Shanghai lane life.

  ▼二层空间:原始窗墙的开口处变成木制陈列框架© 顾博文

  The second floor:wooden display cases make new uses in the depth of the former window wall openings

  ▼混合地板饰面,Mix of floor finishes© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼陈列区,Display area© 顾博文

  ▼展柜细节,Display details© 顾博文


  The third floor is a more straightforward affair. With its typical lane house tile, this floor is a neutral space, with no actual fixed program, used as a warehouse as we know it.

  ▼三层楼梯,Staircase on the third floor© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼地面铺设里弄房屋的瓷砖,The space has atypical lane house tile floor© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼展架细节,Display details© Dirk Weiblen


  The surprising moments come from the views to the outside, scattered, looking over the lively street and fixating on the corner view where two roads collide and enabling you to look over the neighborhood from higher ground.

  ▼三层转角窗景,The corner view© Dirk Weiblen


  The fourth floor is an eclectic mirage of the program, inspired by those homemade add-on rooftop structures, where storage, social spaces, and green allotment terraces create a classic Shanghai rooftop hangout.

  ▼四层空间一角,A corner of thefourth floor© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼洗手间和吧台细节,Restroom & Bar counter details© Dirk Weiblen (left); 顾博文 (right)


  Winding up or down through the building or just watching the world go by on the plaza, the Harmay Fang gives an impression of local life, opening its inner belly, with all its messy encounters and richly layered spaces creating a place that is uniquely Shanghai. And we hope, uniquely yours.

  ▼街道视角,View from the street© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼立面细节,Facade detailed view© Dirk Weiblen

  ▼立面设计示意,Facade Diagram© AIMArchitecture

  ▼一层平面图,1F layout plan© AIMArchitecture

  ▼二层平面图,2F layout plan© AIMArchitecture

  ▼三层平面图,3F layout plan© AIMArchitecture

  ▼四层平面图,4F layout plan© AIMArchitecture



  建筑面积:880 平方米



  设计总监:Wendy Saunders,Vincent de Graaf



  软装团队:Lili Cheng,戴维莎

  陈列:Victor Mongin,王尤宝儿


  摄影:Dirk Weiblen,顾博文



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