

2021-08-28 16:35:16
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 位于美国布鲁克林的Ace Hotel Brooklyn于2021年7月29日正式开业。酒店位于纽约市布鲁克林区中心边缘的Boerum Hill,它矗立在一个万物在不断演变中的十字路口;正如一个地理韦恩图,它们有彼此影响的能量:从树木林立的街道、科布尔山(Cobble Hill) 的褐沙石外墙公寓楼、卡罗尔花园区 (Carroll Gardens)、到格林堡(Fort Greene)的艺术和文化聚集地和一直到永不停歇的东河。

  酒店共有287间客房,共同呈现了遍布每个房间的艺术内容,大堂及公共区域有数个酒吧和一个艺廊,及即将对外 开放的其它餐饮设施。Ace Hotel Brooklyn由Roman and Williams设计,其独特的酒店外部正立面与以欧洲现代主义艺术家们的粗犷工作室为灵感的酒店内饰无缝衔接,并在每个角落壁龛中都打造出时髦而令人耳目一新的布置。

  Ace Hotel Brooklyn is officially open. Located in Downtown Brooklyn, the hotel stands on the cusp of Boerum Hill, above the ever-evolving intersection of everything: a geographical Venn diagram of intersecting energies, from the tree-lined streets and brownstones of Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens to the art and culture clusters of Fort Greene, and all the way down to the restless East River.

  The property offers 287 guest rooms, an expansive in-room art program, a public lobby with multiple bars and an art gallery, plus additional food and beverage outlets on the horizon. Designed by Roman and Williams, Ace Brooklyn’s unique facade welds seamlessly with interiors inspired by the raw artist studio spaces of the European modernists — with soothing and stylish custom furnishings outfitting its every alcove.

  ▼酒店外观,Hotel exterior view© Stephen Kent Johnson

  “我们将布鲁克林看成一个独立存在的城市,它有如此多的希望、可能性和令人振奋的未来。Ace Hotel Brooklyn是我们努力创造的爱的结晶——这幢华丽的建筑既是团圆也是再次创新,我们很庆幸能将它作为Ace酒店的进化升级之作与客人和邻里们分享。我们荣幸能与艺术、设计、文化领域的人才合作,将他们的创意填充在酒店的各个空间;这既是对布鲁克林不可抑制的创造力及能量的见证也是致敬,而这也是一个面向其未来的满怀信心的投资。”—— Ace 酒店集团主席Brad Wilson

  “We see Brooklyn as it’s own city, filled with so much hope, possibility and excitement for the future. Ace Brooklyn has been a labor of love — a gorgeous building in many ways a reunion and a reinvention, and one we’re delighted to share with our guests and neighbors as the evolution of Ace Hotel. We’re proud to have filled its spaces with the talents of many collaborators across art, design and culture; it’s a testament and tribute to the irrepressible creative energy of the borough, and a firm investment in its future.” —Brad Wilson, President, Ace Hotel Group

  ▼接待台,Reception© Stephen Kent Johnson

  共13层的Ace Hotel Brooklyn由生混凝土构造而成,并由Ace酒店长期合作伙伴Roman and Williams进行整体建筑设计,Stonehill Taylor建筑设计事务所亦参与了项目。粗糙边角的楼体正立面由金属、玻璃及提前铸型的混凝土组成,以此歌颂这些材料的自然美丽与将它们组合拼接在一起的工匠人手艺。由现代主义代表人物Stan Bitters制作的颇具张力的陶瓷壁画占据了建筑正立面的中心位置,旁边是由Roman and Williams设计的雕塑形态的光装置,它向谷口吉郎(Yoshiro Taniguchi)所设计的东京大仓酒店(Hotel Okura)致敬——这是现代主义风格的酒店中一个灯塔般的作品,遗憾地于2015年被拆除。

  A 13-story construction in raw concrete, Ace Brooklyn was designed from the ground up by longtime Ace collaborators Roman and Williams. Stonehill Taylor worked alongside as the architect for the project. Made up of metal, glass and precast concrete elements, the building’s rough-edged façade celebrates the natural beauty of its materials, along with the rugged handiwork of the builders who brought them together. The facade’s dramatic centerpiece is a custom ceramic mural crafted by iconic modernist Stan Bitters, coupled with a sculptural light installation designed by Roman and Williams in homage to the Hotel Okura in Tokyo — a beacon of modernist hospitality designed by Yoshiro Taniguchi, which was sadly demolished in 2015.

  ▼建筑正立面,看向雕塑形态的光装置和陶瓷壁画,View towards thesculptural light installation and the custom ceramic mural© Stephen Kent Johnson

  在酒店内部,裸露的混凝土表面与其它具自然质感的元素互为映衬,可见如道格拉斯冷杉木、橡木、胶合板及皮革的表面,从而形成了有机而开阔的一体形态。大堂中配有复古及量身订制的座椅,自然光透过半月形的窗户照亮了大堂酒吧。酒吧中墙面上别具一格的雕塑作品来自Roman and Williams Guild艺术家Verdan Jakšić,低调的大型绘画则来自Tara Geer。

  Inside, interiors marry exposed concrete with other naturally textural elements — surfaces of douglas fir, oak, plywoods and leathers — to form organic, open shapes throughout. The lobby features vintage and custom seating throughout, with half moon windows illuminating the lobby bar in natural light. The bar is finished with an original wall sculpture from RW Guild artist Verdan Jakšic, and a discreet, large scale drawing by Tara Geer.

  ▼酒店大堂和酒吧,The lobby and bar© Stephen Kent Johnson

  “七年后,我们终于可以骄傲地揭开Ace Hotel Brooklyn的面纱,这是我们最复杂的建筑及室内委任项目之一,亦是我们与Ace酒店的第三次合作。我们旨在使用扎实的、有充沛能量的设计语言,使用能具有长久生命力的建造方法和材料,它们往往厚重感与力量兼备。我们以原始的现代主义哲学作为引导方针,并将其表现在设计中有触感的气质。从楼体强有力及不过度装饰的外立面,到公共屏幕上对未经加工的老木材的赞美与推崇,到客房卧室中淳朴的胶合板材质的家具,我们力争与布鲁克林一样地充满活力而不驯不羁。”—— Roman and Williams事务所联合创始人Robin Standefer和Stephen Alesch

  “After 7 years we are proud to unveil one of our most comprehensive architectural and interior commissions to date for Ace Hotel Brooklyn, our third collaboration with Ace Hotel. We aimed to embrace a solid muscular design vocabulary, employing confident lasting construction methods and materials, ones with gravity and strength. A primitive modernist philosophy guided us, it is expressed in the tactile spirit of the design. From the building’s strong and unadorned facade, to the celebration of raw old growth timber in the public screens, to the honest plywood furniture collection in the bedrooms, we aspire to be as energetic and untamed as Brooklyn itself.” —Robin Standefer and Stephen Alesch, Founders and Principals, Roman and Williams

  ▼客房,Guest room© Stephen Kent Johnson

  Ace Hotel Brooklyn的客房从勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)心爱的休憩度假去处Le Cabanon中汲取灵感,它们像是给灵感充电的避世小屋,看起来优雅而有高效,并留有充分的呼吸和想像空间,激发起各种各样的可能性。房间的陈设由原始而低调的材料手工制作完成:如订制的沙发和椅子、经典织法的棉质床上用品及专门打造的、极简风格的各式物件。

  Drawing significant inspiration from Le Corbusier’s beloved workspace retreat Le Cabanon, the guest rooms at Ace Hotel Brooklyn were imagined as cabins of creative refuge: elegant and efficient, with the kind of breathing room that stirs up all sorts of possibilities. The furnishings are handcrafted from raw, understated materials — including custom sofas and chairs, classically-loomed cotton bedding and purpose-built, minimalist fixtures.


  The furnishings are handcrafted from raw, understated materials© Stephen Kent Johnson

  ▼室内细节,Interior detailed view© Stephen Kent Johnson

  订制的床笠由“缅因文化遗产纺织者”(Maine Heritage Weavers) 制作;卫浴用品来自东京品牌uka;部分房间中有来自D’Angelico Guitars的木吉他;Music Hall制作的唱片机与来自我们朋友Rough Trade精选黑胶唱片一一陈列。Ace Brooklyn的客房艺术内容由艺术家Niki Tsukamoto策划,将二十余位堪称梦之队的艺术家们独到的纺织及纤维面料作品汇聚一堂,而他们大多来自布鲁克林本地。

  Custom bed covers were crafted by Maine Heritage Weavers; bath products are from uka; in select rooms, acoustic guitars are provided by D’Angelico Guitars; turntables are made by Music Hall, with vinyl record selections courtesy of our friends at Rough Trade. Ace Brooklyn’s in-room art program was curated by artist Niki Tsukamoto, and brings together a dream-woven assortment of original textile and fiber pieces from roughly two dozen artists, many based in the borough.

  ▼双人房间,Two-bed guest room© Stephen Kent Johnson

  ▼客房休闲区,Guest room lounge© Stephen Kent Johnson

  ▼窗景,View© Stephen Kent Johnson

  ▼浴室,bathroom© Stephen Kent Johnson

  从现今开业至年底,Ace Hotel Brooklyn艺廊将展出在客房中有作品的这些艺术家,首先计划于7月至8月展出Cynthia Alberto与Weaving Hand的面料作品。酒店大堂的Ace商店也持续有一些艺术家的订制家居产品和首饰。

  Ace Hotel Brooklyn是Ace酒店家族的最新成员,它将与西雅图、波特兰、纽约、棕榈泉、洛杉矶、匹兹堡、新奥尔良、芝加哥及京都分号共同铸就Ace的酒店版图。

  Throughout the rest of 2021, The Gallery at Ace Hotel Brooklyn will showcase works by artists featured in the guest rooms, starting with a show of textile works by Cynthia Alberto and Weaving Hand in July and August 2021. The hotel lobby’s Ace Shop will also be featuring custom home goods and jewelry from a number of the artists on an ongoing basis.

  Ace Hotel Brooklyn is the newest member of the Ace family, joining Seattle, Portland, New York, Palm Springs, Downtown LA, Pittsburgh, New Orleans, Chicago and Kyoto.

  ▼家具细节,Furniture detail© Stephen Kent Johnson



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